Monday, June 22, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

As I sit at my computer and watch two tractors mowing hay outside my window, a really awesome breeze blows through all of the open doors and windows. We have been home from Orlando for one hour. It was around 102 when we left Orlando and, like the majority of Orlando people I know, my parents NEVER have their doors and windows open. The air conditioner is usually on and even when it isn't, crime is getting so bad down there, they just never open their windows.

I remember the first time we pulled up to the barn with my real estate agent (& now friend) Kathy. After everyone showed us around & left, I cried so hard and thanked God for this beautiful place He had brought us to. I feel the same way now, as though viewing it again for the first time. We have been gone for ten days. I don't know if it was all the activity I crammed into those ten days, the fact that I am missing my husband so much, or just that I dislike Florida so much, but it seemed like ten weeks!

The activity part was awesome really. Not only did I get to spend some wonderful quality time with my mom and dad, but I got to briefly see one of my many sisters-in-law, spend an entire day with my newest Florida friend Virginia and her precious baby Katie, spend tons of time with my best friend Vicki, attend my 20 year reunion (a blog unto its own), and get reacquainted with one of my best friends from jr. high, Tammy. Okay, so there was no reacquainting involved. Since we are now sisters in Christ, it was as though we hadn't missed a day since 8th grade. So it was all really fun..did you hear a "but" in that sentence? Because I think I feel a "but" coming on....

BUT.......... I AM SOOOO GLAD TO BE HOME! There truly is no place like home. I could write all day. I am dying to put down my thought son the reunion, but since we ARE home, I guess the bags won't unpack themselves. Besides, I want to get started cleaning this place from top to bottom this week so that it looks TERRIFIC when my husband comes home. I can't wait to see him!

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